
Note: If the -where clause were not specified, the report would return all of the parts
visible from version 1208:2.
The TeamConnection system returns the following report:
baseName optics.c
releaseName robot_control
compName robot_dev
versionSID 1208:2
addDate 02/02/94
lastUpdate 04/15/94
pathName smarts\eyes\optics.c
nuVersionSID 1208:2
userLogin alexm
fmode 0640
Because optics.c is the only part modified in version 1208:2, Alex assumes it is the
copy he wants. He extracts the part by issuing the following command:
teamc part -extract optics.c -version 1208:2 -workarea 1208 -release robot_control
This command extracts the desired copy of optics.c from the frozen version 1208:2.
Alex can then overlay the corrupted copy of optics.c that he has checked out with the
copy he just extracted, and he can start over fresh. He can also check in the overlaid
optics.c to his work area.
This method works only for parts with a file type of TCPart. If your part has a type of
something other than TCPart, you can do one of the following to restore the part:
v Use the undo action if restoring to the previous version.
v Use the link action to link to a previous version.
In addition to the reporting features mentioned above, Alex can also obtain a list of work
areas by issuing the following command:
teamc report -view WorkAreaView -where "releaseName='robot_control'" -stanza
The report that is returned lists the work areas in the release robot_control. A user can
also see the parts changed for each work area by specifying the -long parameter on
this command.
100 User’s Guide