
cache services (TCCS) on how to manage the locking behavior for parts that
you are exporting to or importing from the TeamConnection repository.
Obtain and release
Also known as
locking, TCCS will attempt to check out the
part(s) before checking in changes that you have made in the ENVY
environment. If this action is successful, the part(s) will not be locked
in TeamConnection after the export.
Obtain and retain
TCCS will attempt to check out the part(s) before checking in changes
that you have made in the ENVY environment. If this action is
successful, the part(s) will remain locked in TeamConnection after the
Retain For parts already locked in TeamConnection, after changes are
exported from ENVY the locked parts should remain locked (i.e., the
lock is
by the original owner).
For parts already locked in TeamConnection, after changes are
exported from ENVY the locked parts should be unlocked, and
therefore available to other developers in that context.
Import page
The Import page provides default settings options when importing ENVY components
or files previously exported to a TeamConnection database.
Configuration Maps
If the Import all required maps too checkbox is checked, it specifies that
when a configuration map is imported, its required configuration maps (along
with any other required configuration maps, recursively) should be retrieved
from TeamConnection as part of the import action. If this option is enabled,
and a configuration map being imported does have required maps, the maps
can only be imported if they actually exist in the TeamConnection database.
Note: The checkbox is checked as the default.
Destination for Files
The Destination path for files field identifies the target (base) directory for
imported files.
Replacing Existing Files
These mutually-exclusive radio buttons enable you to select a desired default
method for overwriting files (or not) in your working target directory.
Ask user
This choice enables you to choose which files are to be overwritten.
Do not replace existing files
Files that currently exist in the target directory will not be overwritten.
Appendix F. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge 257