Materials Required for Reporting SMTP Problems
Any SMTP problem reported to IBM should include the following:
v QTCPIP and the SMTP job logs for user QTCP (QTSMTPCLTD, QTSMTPSRVD,
v If the trace information from any of the flight recorder user spaces
(QTMSFLRCS1 through QTMSFLRCS5 from each job’s QTEMP library) was
dumped, the spooled file containing the contents of each flight recorder user
space dumped is also required.
v Any status distributions.
v A communications trace from the time of the failure (Format TCP/IP data only)
formatted for ASCII. If you are not familiar with the procedure for collecting a
communications trace, refer to “Collecting a Communications Trace” on
page 493.
v File QATMSMTP containing the SMTP configuration information.
v The code release and the latest PTF for SMTP that is loaded and applied.
If any of the SMTP jobs logged software error data (FFDC), submit that information.
Note: The system value QSFWERRLOG must be set to *LOG for software error
logging to occur. If an error occurs while QSFWERRLOG is set to *NOLOG,
change the value to *LOG. Then try to re-create the error, and submit the
logged software error data.
Cleaning Up Unprocessed SMTP Distributions
You can create a single-character data area that causes SMTP to destroy as it is
starting distributions that it cannot process. Call the data area QTMSCLEAN and
put it in the QUSRSYS library. Use the character in this data area to indicate the
extent of mail control block clean-up:
v If you want a “cold” start to free all mail control blocks, use an upper- or
lower-case “c” in this data area.
v Any other character causes a “warm” start to free only the first “floater” mail
control block found. A floater is an MCB that was dequeued but was not fully
processed, or failed processing when SMTP ended (for whatever reason).
When SMTP starts, a recovery function looks in the QUSRSYS library for this data
area and proceeds accordingly.
Since a warm start frees only a single MCB, it may be necessary to stop SMTP,
create the data area, and restart SMTP more than once to get to the MCB that is
causing the problem. If there are a large number of MCBs, a cold start may be the
fastest way to correct the problem.
To create the QTMSCLEAN data area, use the Create Data Area (CRTDTAARA)
Cold Start
The following command causes a cold start to occur and frees all the mail control
blocks found the next time SMTP starts up:
Chapter 21. TCP/IP Problem Analysis 475