
AS/400 establishes a session that does not use header
compression. Therefore, you should not need to change this value.
Using header compression improves the performance of the serial line,
which is usually slow anyway.
Maximum Transmission Unit:
4 The maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the size in bytes of the largest
packet that is to be sent over the physical line that this interface uses.
Note: The MTU size cannot be larger than the maximum buffer size
(MAXBUFFER) on the *ASYNC line description that this *SLIP
interface uses.
Add Default Route:
5 If you change this value to Y (Yes), AS/400 adds a default route to the
remote system when the session is started. The local interface address
specified in this configuration profile becomes the next hop for the default
route that is added. Turn this option off when you know to which host this
AS/400 system will connect.
Note: There can be only one active default route. If the Start Point-to-Point
TCP/IP (STRTCPPTP) command is issued for a configuration profile
that specifies Y for
Add default route
field, and a default route is
already active, the session cannot start.
Additional Name Server:
6 Enter the IP address of a name server that is accessed through the
point-to-point connection to the remote system.
If you specify a name server address, AS/400 adds the name server
address to the end of any existing list of name servers when this
configuration profile is started. This field is valid only for *DIAL point-to-point
TCP/IP profiles.
If you use an ISP to connect to the Internet, you may receive a name
server address from the ISP. Then when you connect, you can use host
names instead of IP addresses for remote sites.
If you add an additional name server for this connection, then you must fully
qualify any host names on this connection. Otherwise, the domain of your
local AS/400 is appended to the unqualified host name. If this occurs, the
additional name server cannot find the host entry.
Note: There can only be one active point-to-point session with an
additional name server address defined. If the Start Point-to-Point
TCP/IP (STRTCPPTP) command is issued for a profile that specifies
Y for the
Additional Nameserver
field, and a point-to-point profile is
already active with an additional name server address, the session
cannot start. The default value for this field is *NONE. The list of
name servers is not changed.
This name server provides limited support when connecting to a remote
network. Most sockets applications that were activated prior to establishing
1. SLIP support with header compression is also called CSLIP, or Compressed Serial Line Internet Protocol.
150 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4