Chapter 12. Line Printer Daemon (LPD)
You can request to have your spooled files printed on any system in your TCP/IP
The printing facilities of the destination system handle the printing of the file. The
destination system must be running TCP/IP. On the AS/400 system, the line printer
daemon (LPD) is the process on the destination system that receives the file that
the SNDTCPSPLF command sends. The LPD process places the spooled file on a
local printer queue. To print the spooled file, place it on a printer queue that is
already started to an active printer writer. Another method of printing a spooled file
is to start a writer to that printer queue.
Configuring for Line Printer Daemon (LPD)
LPD does not require any special setup when receiving printer files from another
AS/400 system. However, with the
Change LPD Attributes
(CHGLPDA) command,
you can specify the number of LPD servers that you want initially started. You can
also specify whether you want these servers to start whenever you issue the
(STRTCP) command (Figure 226). Access the LPD attributes with either the
Configure TCP/IP LPD
(CFGTCPLPD) command or the CHGLPDA command.
How the Destination System Receives a Spooled File
The LPD server jobs run in subsystem QSYSWRK. Display these jobs using the
Work with Active Jobs
(WRKACTJOB) command. Identify them by their job names
in the format QTLPDnnnnn.
Change LPD Attributes (CHGLPDA)
Type choices, press Enter.
Autostart servers ....... *YES *YES, *NO, *SAME
Number of initial servers . . . 2 1-20, *SAME, *DFT
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Figure 226. Change LPD Attributes (CHGLPDA) Display
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