For the United States, the character set is 697 and the code page is 37 (CCSID
37). This character set and code page combination can be converted into any other
code page that uses the same character set. The ISO language standard 8859-1
uses or defines the same characters as character set 697, so United States English
can be converted into ISO-8859-1 and back again without the loss of information. If
a character set for a country is the same as, or is a subset of the MIME-standard
character set, data can be converted to the MIME code page without the loss of
For more information on national language support and what is supported by
OS/400, see
National Language Support
CCSIDs Supported by the POP Server
The MIME coded character set identifier configuration parameter (MIMECCSID) on
the Change POP Attributes (CHGPOPA) command determines which CCSID to use
for translation, and under what conditions to use it. Once you specify a CCSID, you
can choose to use it all the time (*ALWAYS) , or only if a better fit cannot be found
The CCSIDs supported for conversion are MIME- or Internet-defined standard
character sets:
Table 30. Supported MIME Standard Code Pages
US-ASCII US English 00367 103 00500
ISO-8859-1 Latin-1 00819 697 00500
ISO-8859-2 Latin-2 00912 959 00870
ISO-8859-5 Cyrillic 00915 1150 01025
ISO-8859-6 Arabic 1089 1271 420
ISO-8859-7 Greek 00813 925 00875
ISO-8859-8 Hebrew 00916 941 00424
ISO-8859-9 Latin-5 00920 1152 01026
ISO-2022-JP Japan MBCS 05052 1064,1062,1121,1120 05026
Chapter 9. Post Office Protocol (POP) Mail Server 317