2. Select option 11 (Transfer to previous system). You return to the alternate job on
the Chicago system.
Now you want to end the sessions with Geneva and Chicago and return to the
Tokyo system (Figure 131).
1. To end the session on the Chicago system from the Geneva system, type
2. To end the session on the Tokyo system from the Chicago system, type SIGNOFF
ENDCNN(*YES). You return to the Tokyo system.
In Figure 132, you are establishing a Telnet session from Tokyo to Chicago.
1. From the Tokyo system, type STRTCPTELN CHICAGO.
After establishing a Telnet session to Chicago, you want to return to the System
Request menu at Tokyo (Figure 133 on page 223).
1. Press the System Request key.
2. Select option 10 (Start system request at previous system). You return to the
System Request menu on the Tokyo system.
Figure 130. Transferring to Previous System
Figure 131. Ending a Session among Three Systems
Figure 132. Establishing a Telnet Session between Two Systems
222 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4