Note: SMTP is not involved until a distribution goes to the QSMTPQ distribution
queue. The problem could be in your SNADS configuration, for example, the
directory entries (WRKDIRE command) or the routing and queue tables
(CFGDSTSRV command).
Determining Problems for SMTP When Using OfficeVision
When first using SMTP with OfficeVision, it is recommended that you change the
defaults to confirm delivery of the note. This enables you to track the progress of
the note and provides some indication of where things can go wrong.
To track the progress of your mail, type option 2 for mail from the OfficeVision menu
and then press F6 (Outgoing mail status) from the Work with Mail display. The
progress of a successful item of mail is shown in Figure 261 and Figure 262.
If the mail fails for any reason, the sender receives an outgoing mail status of failed.
The returned mail should provide some indication of what went wrong. To view
returned mail, enter option 5 (View) next to a mail item from the Work with Mail
display. Some of the more typical error messages are shown in the following
View Outgoing Mail Status Details
Description ........: User1 to User2
Date/Time sent .......: 03/28/90 02:48:38 p.m.
Confirm delivery ......: Y
---------------------Sent To--------------------- ---Confirmed---
Status User ID Address Description Date Time
SENT USER2 AS400B Any TCP/IP user on AS400B
Figure 261. View Outgoing Mail Status (1 of 2)
View Outgoing Mail Status Details
Description ........: User1 to User2
Date/Time sent .......: 03/28/90 02:48:38 p.m.
Confirm delivery ......: Y
---------------------Sent To--------------------- ---Confirmed---
Status User ID Address Description Date Time
DELIVERED User2 AS400B Any TCP/IP user on AS400B 03/28/90 14:54
Figure 262. View Outgoing Mail Status (2 of 2)
462 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4