For more information on starting and stopping the mail server framework using the
Start Mail Server Framework (STRMSF) and End Mail Server Framework
(ENDMSF) commands, see
AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework Support
Configuring POP for Client Access-Based Mail Users
There are two parameters on the CHGPOPA command that configure the POP
server for MAPI-based clients:
This parameter identifies the types of connection protocols to be supported for
Client Access for Windows 95/NT clients connecting to the POP server. Use this
parameter if you are using Client Access to connect to the POP server. You can
specify any combination of the following protocols:
Support TCP/IP protocol for Client Access for OS/400 clients.
Support IPX/SPX protocol for Client Access for OS/400 clients.
Support SNA protocol for AS/400 Client Access clients. If you are using the
SNA protocol, see “Setting the Number of SNA Servers” on page 295.
You can also specify *ALL (for all three protocols) or *NONE. The default is
This parameter enables address book support for the client-based IBM
AS/400 MAPI address book service provider, which is part of Client Access
for Windows 95/NT. There are two elements: Enable Address Book
Support and Refresh interval.
Set Enable Address Book Support to *YES. If you set this parameter
element to *NO, clients will still be able to use POP server mail support, but
they will not be able to access address book data.
When you set ADRBOOK to *YES, the POP server builds and maintains an
address book cache. This is described in “AS/400 Address Book” on
page 311.
For performance reasons, do not enable address book support unless you
plan to use it.
The Refresh interval parameter element specifies, in minutes, how often
you want the POP server to check to see if the address book cache is
current, and if not, to refresh it from the AS/400 system distribution
directory. If you want the POP address book to be refreshed only when the
POP server starts or is restarted, specify *NONE for this parameter
element. The default is 60 minutes.
The refresh interval is a trade-off between timely availability of changes to
the system distribution directory, and processor utilization. You may want to
refresh large address books less frequently because of the processor time
required to do a refresh. Small address books can be refreshed more
294 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4