You now need to ensure that the remote system’s print queue exists before starting
the pass-through process.
This completes the setup processing.
Starting Printer Pass-Through
To start printer pass-through, perform the following steps:
1. Use the
Start Remote Writer
(STRRMTWTR) command.
2. Specify the queue name on the local (LPR) system that you created in the
previous section. This starts a writer in the QSPL subsystem that, when using
TCP/IP, uses LPR to send printer files to the remote (LPD) system.
3. Ensure that LPD is operational on the remote system and, in the case of the
AS/400, that the remote printer writer is active.
In the event of problems with this processing, the writer’s job log is often a useful
source of problem analysis material. To access this while the job is running, specify
the WRKACTJOB SBS(QSPL) command and select Option 5 against the writer job.
Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ)
Type choices, press Enter.
Output queue..........OUTQ > SYSNAM123
Library ........... *CURLIB
Maximum spooled file size: MAXPAGES
Number of pages ....... *NONE
Starting time ........
Ending time .........
+ for more values
Order of files on queue ....SEQ *FIFO
Remote system .........RMTSYS > SYSNAM123
Remote printer queue......RMTPRTQ SYSNAM456
Writers to autostart......AUTOSTRWTR *NONE
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel
F13=How to use this display F24=More keys
Figure 216. Create Remote Output Queue—Display 1 of 2
Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ)
Type choices, press Enter.
Queue for writer messages . . . MSGQ QSYSOPR
Library ........... *LIBL
Connection type ........CNNTYPE > *IP
Destination type........DESTTYPE *OS400
Transform SCS to ASCII.....TRANSFORM *NO
Figure 217. Create Remote Output Queue—Display 2 of 2
Chapter 11. Line Printer Requester (LPR) 355