Table 31. Supported MIME Standard Code Pages
US-ASCII US English 00367 103 00500
ISO-8859-1 Latin-1 00819 697 00500
ISO-8859-2 Latin-2 00912 959 00870
ISO-8859-5 Cyrillic 00915 1150 01025
ISO-8859-7 Greek 00813 925 00875
ISO-8859-8 Hebrew 00916 941 00424
ISO-8859-9 Latin-5 00920 1152 01026
ISO-2022-JP Japan MBCS 05052 1064,1062,1121,1120 05026
Taiwan 00950 00937
China 01381 00935
Korea 00949 00933
For a list of supported CCSID values that the initial URL can request, see the NLS
keyboard (KBD) values, in Appendix C in the
National Language Support
Workstation Gateway Exit Point for Accessing a User Profile Directly
The WSG Application Logon Exit Point (QAPP0100) allows you to bypass the
AS/400 sign-on panel and start an application without the client browser sending a
user profile or password. This allows you to provide
application to client
browsers without requiring a sign-on. To do this, your exit program must
authenticate the client request and provide sign-on information to the workstation
gateway server. The workstation gateway server then uses the output of your exit
program as input to the Virtual Terminal APIs and signs on for the client browser.
For information about how to create an exit program, see “Using a WSG exit
progam to bypass the AS/400 Sign-on Display” on page 571. For a list of supported
CCSID values that the initial URL can request, see the NLS keyboard (KBD) values,
in Appendix C in the
National Language Support
Granting Access to the Web Browser Online Help Information
To enable the Tips push button on your web browser, perform the following steps:
1. Create a directory for the help information.
2. Copy QTCP/QATMHELP.WSGHELP to the directory.
You can use the WRKMBRPDM command to do this.
3. Change the member type of the help information to HTML.
You can use the WRKMBRPDM command to do this.
4. Enable the new directory to the HTTP server.
Use the HTTP server configuration directives to do this.
5. Grant authority to the HTTP server (default QTMHHTTP user profile) to access
the directory and file.
6. Ensure that you have started or restarted the HTTP server.
7. Change the help URL by using the CHGWSGA command.
Chapter 10. Workstation Gateway Server 329