Chapter 7. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client function allows you to send and receive
copies of files to or from remote systems across a TCP/IP network. In addition, FTP
client subcommands are provided for renaming, appending to, and deleting files.
The majority of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client documentation material is
covered in the AS/400e Information Center under the TCP/IP topic. For more
information see “TCP/IP Topics in the Information Center” on page xv.
Functions Supported by FTP Client
v Transferring files that are found in the Root, QOpenSys, QLANSrv file, and
QFileSvr.400 systems.
v Running FTP unattended in batch.
v The automatic creation of sequence numbers when transferring data to a source
physical file on AS/400 business computer systems.
v Sending or receiving save files and members in physical files, logical files,
Distributed Data Management (DDM) files, and source physical files.
v Sending text files in EBCDIC format or converting them to ASCII (the default
v Transferring binary files as is.
v Transferring folders and document in the document library services (QDLS) file
v Double-byte character set (DBCS) support.
v Coded character set identifier (CCSID) support.
Functions Not Supported by FTP Client
v Transferring selected records within files.
v Selection or omission of fields within records when transferring files. You must
transfer an entire physical or logical record.
FTP Client and Server-Overview
FTP consists of two parts, the client and the server as shown in Figure 146 on
page 236.
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