Chapter 51 Low Voltage Reset/Interrupt
3. Registers
3.1 LV Detection Control Registers
Controls the low voltage detection function.
• LVDET: Address 04C5h (Access: Byte, Halfword, Word)
(See “Meaning of Bit Attribute Symbols (Page No.10)” for details of the attributes.)
• Bit7: Reserved bit. The read value is always ‘0’.
• Bit6: Low-Voltage Interrupt Source selection.
• Bit5: External Low-Voltage Detection Power-Down.
• Bit4: Internal Low-Voltage Detection Power-Down.
• Bit3: Low-Voltage Reset Enable.
• Bit2: Reserved bit.
• Bit1: Low-Voltage Interrupt Enable.
• Bit0: Low-Voltage Interrupt Flag.
76543210 bit
Initial value (INITpin input,
watchdog reset
-XXXX - 0 0
Initial value
(Software reset)
R0/W0 R/W R/W R/W R/W R0/W0 R/W R/W Attribute
LVSEL Function
0 Internal (VDD) LV detection used for LV-Int and LV-Reset [Initial value]
1 External (VDD5) LV detection used for LV-Int and LV-Reset
LVEPD Function
0 External (VDD5) LV detection active [Initial value]
1 External (VDD5) LV detection power down
LVIPD Function
0 Internal (VDD) LV detection active [Initial value]
1 Internal (VDD) LV detection power down
LVREN Function
0 Low Voltage Reset Disabled [Initial value]
1 Low Voltage Reset Enabled
LVIEN Function
0 Low Voltage Interrupt Disabled [Initial value]
1 Low Voltage Interrupt Enabled
LVIRQ Function
0 Low Voltage Interrupt Flag (no interrupt request) [Initial value]
1 Low Voltage Interrupt Flag (interrupt requested)