Chapter 23 Sub Oscillation Stabilisation Timer
6. Setting
*: Refer to the number for more information on the setting method.
*: Refer to the number for more information on the setting method.
Table 6-1 Settings Required for Using the Sub oscillation stabilisation timer
Setting Setting register
Setting the interval time
Sub oscillation stabilisation timer control
register (WPCRH)
Refer to 7.1.
Count clear Refer to 7.4.
Table 6-2 Items Required for Enabling the Sub oscillation stabilisation timer Interrupt
Setting Setting register
Setting the interrupt vector and the free run timer level of
the sub oscillation stabilisation timer
Refer to “Chapter 24 Interrupt Control
(Page No.311)”.
Refer to 7.5.
Setting the sub oscillation stabilisation timer interrupt
Clearing the interrupt request
Enabling the interrupt request
Sub oscillation stabilisation timer control
register (WPCRH)
Refer to 7.7.