Chapter 54 Flash Memory
7.Auto Algorithms
has halted, by entering the address of an erased sector, and monitoring the values read from bits 6 and 7.
Additionally, writes of erase-suspend commands are ignored. When erasing is halted, the Flash memory goes
into erase-suspend read mode. In this mode, data reads from sectors where erase has not been paused are
enabled, but for other sectors, it is the same as standard reading. While in erase-suspend read mode, when
data is read sequentially from an erase-suspended sector, bit 2 is toggled (see (3) Hardware sequence flag for
After entering erase-suspend read mode, the user can write to the Flash memory by writing a write command
sequence. This mode is called “erase-suspend write mode”. In this mode, data writes to sectors where erase
has not been paused are enabled, but for other sectors, it is the same as normal byte writing. While in erase-
suspend write mode, when data is read sequentially from an erase-suspended sector, bit 2 is toggled. This
mode can be detected via the erase-suspend bit (bit 6).
A word of caution is required for using this mode: Although bit 6 can be read from any address, bit 7 must be
read from a write address. To resume sector erase, a resume command must be entered (30
). At this point,
further resume commands will be ignored. Conversely, it is possible to enter a erase-suspend command after
the Flash memory resumes erasing.