Chapter 13 Clock Control
4.2 DIV0R: Clock Division Setting Register 0
Sets the division ratio for the clocks used for internal device operation.
DIVR0: Address 0486h (Access: Byte, Half-word)
(See “Meaning of Bit Attribute Symbols (Page No.10)” for details of the attributes.)
• Sets up the clock for the CPU and internal buses (CLKB), and the clock for the peripheral circuits and
peripheral bus (CLKP).
• Bit7-4: CLKB division selection
• Do not change the division ratio with B3-B0 if current CLKB frequency is equal or above 80MHz !
• Sets the clock division ratio for the clock used by the CPU, internal memory, and internal buses (CLKB).
The 16 options listed in the table are available.
• Do not set a division ratio that exceeds the maximum operating frequency of the device.
• Bit3-0: CLKP division selection
76543210 bit
B3 B2 B1 B0 P3 P2 P1 P0
Initial value (
INIT pin input,
watchdog reset
Initial value
(software reset)
R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Attribute
B3-B0 CPU clock (CLKB) division ratio
0000 Φ/1 (initial value)
0001 Φ/2
0010 Φ/3
0011 Φ/4
0100 Φ/5
0101 Φ/6
0110 Φ/7
0111 Φ/8
1000 Φ/9
1001 Φ/10
1010 Φ/11
1011 Φ/12
1100 Φ/13
1101 Φ/14
1110 Φ/15
1111 Φ/16
P3-P0 Peripheral clock (CLKP) division ratio
0000 Φ/1
0001 Φ/2
0010 Φ/3
0011 Φ/4 (initial value)
0100 Φ/5
0101 Φ/6
0110 Φ/7
0111 Φ/8
1000 Φ/9
1001 Φ/10