Chapter 44 A/D Converter
6.Q & A
6.11 What interrupt registers are used?
A/D interrupt vector, A/D interrupt level setting
The table below summarizes the relationships among the machine cycle, A/D number, interrupt level, and
interrupt vector.
For more information about the interrupt level and interrupt vector, see “Chapter 24 Interrupt Control (Page
6.12 What interrupts are available?
A/D Conversion End interrupt only. No interrupt cause selection bit is available.
6.13 How do I enable, disable, clear interrupts?
Interrupt Request Enable flag, Interrupt Request flag
Interrupts are enabled using the Interrupt Request Enable bits (ADCS.INTE).
Interrupt request are cleared using the Interrupt Request bits (ADCS.INT).
(See “7. Caution (Page No.906)”.)
Interrupt Vector (Default) Interrupt Level Setting Bit (ICR[4:0])
Address: 0FFDE4h
Interrupt Level register (ICR59)
Address: 047Bh
Interrupt Request Enable Bit (INTE)
To disable interrupt requests Set “0”.
To enable interrupt requests Set “1”.
Interrupt Request Bit (INT)
To clear interrupt requests
Write “0”
or activate A/D. (See “6.7 To activate the A/D converter (Page No.904)”.)