Chapter 39 Programmable Pulse Generator
• Bit 13: Mode selection
• When the Mode Selection bit is set to “0”, a PWM operation is enabled to generate pulses in sequence.
• When the Mode Selection bit is set to “1”, pulse output takes place only once.
• Bit 12: Restart enable
When the Enable Restart bit is set to “1”, a trigger (software/internal) is generated to enable a restart.
• Bits 11-10: Counter clock selection
• Bit 9: PPG output mask selection
• When the PPG Output Mask Selection bit is set to “1”, the PPG output can be clamped at “L” or “H”
regardless of the mode, cycle, and duty settings.
• The output level can be specified using the Output Polarity Specification bit (PCN.OSEL).
• Bit 8: Undefined.The operation is unaffected by writing. The read value is indeterminate.
• Bits 7-6: Trigger input edge selection
Select an edge to trigger the activation of the trigger input selected with the Trigger Specification bits
(GCN10[15:12]), (GCN10[11:8]), (GCN10[7:4]), and (GCN10[3:0]) of PPG3 to PPG0,
(GCN11[15:12]), (GCN11[11:8]), (GCN11[7:4]), and (GCN11[3:0]) of PPG7 to PPG4,
(GCN12[15:12]), (GCN12[11:8]), (GCN12[7:4]), and (GCN12[3:0]) of PPG11 to PPG8,
(GCN13[15:12]), (GCN13[11:8]), (GCN13[7:4]), and (GCN13[3:0]) of PPG15 to PPG12,
using the Trigger Input Edge Selection bit (EGS[1:0]).
• Bit 5: Interrupt request enable
• Bit 4: interrupt request flag
0 PWM operation
1 One-shot operation
RTTG Operation
0 Disable restart.
1 Enable restart.
CKS1 CKS0 Down Counter Count Clock Selection
0 0 Peripheral clock (CLKP)
0 1 Peripheral clock divided by 4
1 0 Peripheral clock divided by 16
1 1 Peripheral clock divided by 64
PGMS Operation
0 No output mask
1 Output mask (Output “L” level latched:OSEL=“0”)
EGS1 EGS0 Selected Edge
0 0 The operation is unaffected by writing.
0 1 Rising edge
1 0 Falling edge
1 1 Both edges (rising edge, or, falling edge)
IREN Operation
0 Interrupt request disable
1 Enable interrupt requests.
IRQF Read Operation Write Operation
0 No interrupt request Clear the Interrupt Request flag.