Rel Resp Fact A fixed multiple of the response factor of the component
found in the sample gas for indirect calibration.
Not editable unless the calibration type is set to Relative.
Rel Dens Liquid
The relative density in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m
) of
the liquid phase for the component at 15 °C.
Molar Mass The mass of one mole of the component.
Mult-level Calib
Third-order polynomial coefficient for multi-level calibrations.
Not editable unless the calibration type is set to Multi-Level.
Mult-level Calib
Second-order polynomial coefficient for multi-level
Not editable unless the calibration type is set to Multi-Level.
Mult-level Calib
First-order polynomial coefficient for multi-level calibrations.
Not editable unless the calibration type is set to Multi-Level.
Mult-level Calib
Zero-order polynomial coefficient for multi-level calibrations.
Not editable unless the calibration type is set to Multi-Level.
Component Code An index number that corresponds to the standard
component numbers taken from the American Gas
Association. Up to 20 components can be defined per data
4.2.2 Add a component to a Component Data Table
To add a component to a component data table, do the following:
1. Select Component Data... from the Application menu.
The Component Data Tables window appears, displaying a list of available
component data tables.
Other ways of accessing the component data tables are by pressing F6 or by clicking
from the Toolbar.
2. Select the table that you want to view.
The selected component data table displays.
To sort the list of components by detector, and then by retention time, click Sort RT.
3. If you want to add the component above the currently selected component, click
Insert before. If you want to add the component below the currently selected
component, select Insert after from the Insert arrow.