3.4 Detectors
Use the Detectors window to monitor the activity and status of the GC’s detectors.
To view the Detectors window, select Detectors… from the Hardware menu.
Before making any modifications to this window, halt the analysis. See Section 6.7 for more
Blue cells display read-only data; white cells display editable data.
The following data displays for each detector:
Det # Numerical identifier for the detector to which the following
data applies.
Detector Options, which depend on your GC’s configuration, are TCD,
FPD, or FID.
FID Temp RTD Applies to FIDs only. Select the appropriate RTD from the drop-
down list. The RTD measures the temperature of the FID flame.
FID Ignition Applies to FIDs only. Select Manual if you want to control the
ignition of the FID; select Auto if you want the GC to control the
ignition of the FID.
Ignition Attempts Applies to FIDs only. Indicates the number of times the GC will
try to light the flame. If an 'Auto' FID ignition sequence fails to
light the flame after the specified number of attempts, the GC
will close the hydrogen valve, switch the FID ignition parameter
to Manual, and set an active alarm.
Wait Time Bet Tries Applies to FIDs only. Indicates the amount of time, in seconds,
the GC will wait between ignition attempts.
Igniter On Duration Applies to FIDs only. Indicates the length of time that the igniter
will remain on.
Flame On Sense Temp Applies to FIDs only. The flame ignites when the FID internal
temperature exceeds the value set in this field.
Flame Out Sense
Applies to FIDs only. The flame is extinguished when the FID
internal temperature falls below the value set in this field.
FPD Flame Status DI Applies to FPDs only. Allows you to select from a list of available
digital inputs. The digital input that is selected will receive the
FPD’s flame status value.
Preamp Val FID count. Read-only. See Section 3.4.3 for more information.
FID Flame Temp Temperature of the FID flame as read by the RTD. Read-only.
Flame Status Options are: Off, On, and Over Temperature. Read-only.
H2 Valve Cur State Options are: Open and Closed. Read-only.
Scaling Factor Preamp calibration factor.