MON2020 creates the new user and adds it to the User table on the User
Administration window.
7.3.2 Export a list of user profiles
To save a list of users, along with their role levels and passwords, do the following:
1. Select Tools → Users → User Administration....
The User Administration window appears, displaying a list of current users and their
role levels.
2. Click Export File.
The Export User File window displays.
3. Navigate to where you want to save the file, if necessary.
4. Type in a file name or use the pre-generated name provided.
5. Click Save.
7.3.3 Import a list of user profiles
To load a list of users, along with their role levels and passwords, do the following:
1. Select Tools → Users → User Administration....
The User Administration window appears, displaying a list of current users and their
role levels.
2. Click Import File.
The Import User File window displays.
3. Navigate to where the file is located, if necessary.
User files have the .xusr extension.
4. Click on the file to be loaded.
5. Click Open. The users will be added to the User Administration window.
7.3.4 Edit a user profile
You must be logged in as an administrator.
To edit a user’s name, role level, or password, do the following:
1. Select Tools → Users → User Administration....