
2. Select the desired mode from the drop-down menu under the Switch cloumn for the
analog input.
3. Click OK to save the changes and close the window.
To save the changes and leave the window open so that you can monitor the analog input,
click Save. The current value of the analog input signal displays in the Current Value column,
and is updated in real time.
3.7.3 Set the scale values for an analog input device
To set the zero scale and full scale, which are used when converting the analog input value,
do the following:
1. Select Analog Input… from the Hardware menu.
The Analog Input window displays.
2. Double-click on appropriate row under the Zero Scale column and enter a zero scale
3. Double-click on appropriate row under the Full Scale column and enter a full scale
4. Click OK to save the changes and close the window.
To save the changes and leave the window open so that you can monitor the analog input,
click Save.
3.7.4 Set the type of analog input signal
The GC’s analog inputs can receive two types of signal: a 0 - 10 V current or the industry
standard, which is a 4-20 mA current. To set the type of signal generated by the analog
input device, do the following:
1. Select Analog Input… from the Hardware menu.
The Analog Input window displays.
2. Select the signal type from the appropriate row under the mA/Volt column.
3. Click OK to save the changes and close the window.
To save the changes and leave the window open so that you can monitor the analog input’s
progress, click Save. The type of signal being generated displays in the mA/Volts column, and
is updated in real time.