
5.7.3 Schedule the generation of reports
MON2020 can automatically generate and print each report according to the following
Analysis (GPA) An analysis report will print after an analysis run is completed.
If ISO is set in the Calculations Configuration screen, Analysis (ISO) will be listed
under the Report Name column instead of Analysis (GPA); if GPA & ISO is set in
the Calculations Configuration screen, the both Analysis (ISO) and Analysis
(GPA) will be listed under the Report Name column.
Calibration A calibration report will print after a calibration run is completed.
Final Calibration A final calibration report will print after a final calibration run is
Validation A validation report will print after a validation run is completed.
Final Validation A final validation report will print after a final validation run is
Every Run A report will be generated each time an Every Run average calculation
is run.
Hourly A report will be generated each time an Hourly average calculation is
24 Hour A report will be generated each time a 24 Hour average calculation is
Weekly A report will be generated each time a Weekly average calculation is
Monthly A report will be generated each time a Monthly average calculation is
Variable A report will be generated each time a Variable average calculation is
Raw Data Each time raw data is generated, a report will be printed.
To configure MON2020 to generate and print a report of your choosing based on that
report’s schedule of availability, do the following:
1. Select Printer Control... from the Logs/Reports menu.
The Printer Control window displays.
MON2020 must be connected to the GC for the report to be printed.
2. To print a report after a run, check the appropriate checkbox from the Print After
Completion? column.
3. To print a report at a fixed interval, check the appropriate checkbox from the Print At
Fixed Interval? column.
Logs and reports
Logs and reports