2.5.6 Edit retention times from the Chromatogram Viewer
To edit the retention time for a component, do the following:
1. Double-click on the Component Data table or right-click on the table and select Edit
Retention Times.
The Ret Time column turns white, indicating that its cells are editable.
2. Click on the appropriate cell for the component that you want edit, and enter a new
retention time, in seconds. The value must be less than the analysis time.
3. To save your changes, right-click on the table and select Save Changes.
The changes will affect the next analysis run.
To return to the Component Data table without saving your changes, select Discard
2.5.7 Display raw data from the Chromatogram Viewer
Use the Raw Data button to display the Raw Data table for the selected trace.
1. Use the Chromatogram bar's pull-down menu to select a specific trace.
Even though you are selecting a trace, the data that is displayed will be for the chromatogram,
which may include more than one trace.
2. Click Raw Data.
The Raw Data window displays and shows the raw data for the selected
chromatogram. The following data displays for each peak from the trace:
No. Numerical identifier for the peak, listed by the order of
Ret Time Time, in seconds, that the component eluted.
Peak Area The area under the peak.
Peak Height The maximum height of the peak.
Det The detector associated with the peak.
Method Method of peak end detection. Options are:
• 1 (Baseline)
• 2 (Fused Peak)
• 3 (Last Fused Peak)
• 4 (Tangent Skim)
• 100 (Inhibit)