
Igniter Status Options are: Off and On. Read-only.
Electrometer Voltage Output at first stage of FID preamp. Read-only.
Pre Amplifier Voltage Output at second stage of FID preamp. Read-only.
Polarizing Voltage Igniter voltage. Read-only.
FID Gain Status Options are: Low and High.
Status Options are: Ok, Not Installed and Internal Error. Read-only.
3.4.1 Offset the baseline
In some situations that involve TCD detectors the baseline may be displayed either too
high on the graph, in which case the tops of the peaks are cut off, or too low on the graph,
so that the bases of the peaks are cut off. If this occurs it is possible to offset the baseline
either up or down so that the entire peak can be displayed on the graph. This offset will be
applied to all traces—live, archived and saved—that are displayed thereafter.
To offset the baseline, do the following:
1. Select Detectors… from the Hardware menu.
The Detectors window displays.
2. Select the appropriate detector. It may be necessary to return to the Chromatogram
Viewer to learn which detector is the source of the trace that needs to be offset.
3. To lower the baseline, click Lower Baseline(N). Each time this button is clicked, N is
incremented by -1. For example, is this is the first time the button has been clicked,
Lower Baseline(0) will be increment to Lower Baseline(-1) and the baseline will be
lowered one step. If Raise Baseline(N) was clicked previously, then that button will
be incremented by -1 first, until it reached Raise Baseline(0); at the point, Lower
Baseline(N) will be incremented by -1.
To reset the baseline to its default setting, click Raise Baseline(N) and Lower Baseline(N) until
they read Raise Baseline(0) and Lower Baseline(0).
4. To raise the baseline, click Raise Baseline(N).
5. After the baseline has been raised or lowered to your satisfaction, click OK.
3.4.2 Ignite the FID flame
If the FID Ignition field on the Detectors window is set to “Manual” and if the Flame status
field is set to “Off”, do the following to restart the flame:
1. Click Open H2 Valve.
The H2 Valve Cur State field changes to “Open”.
2. Click Ignite.