
Use the Register command described in Section 4.11.4 to assign scale ranges.
7.2 Communication errors
The Modbus program’s Error Log is maintained in a circular buffer that holds up to 512
The Modbus program tracks the errors for a given session but does not store them. When
you exit the Modbus program, all errors are cleared.
To view any communication errors that occurred during the data transfer, do the
1. Click Error....
The Error window appears.
Double-click a Description cell to “scroll through” the displayed text.
2. To view all errors that have occurred in this session, click Update.
3. To delete all entries to date, click Clear.
7.3 Users
Utilize the User Administration commands to create or delete users, change passwords,
and to monitor PC-to-GC connections.
Login security is at the gas chromatograph level instead of at the software level. This
means that you have to log in to the gas chromatograph to which you are trying to
connect. This also means that if you create a new user, that user is only valid for the GC to
which you are connected. You cannot connect to any other GC unless you create the same user
on it first.
MON2020 recognizes the following four user types, or roles, each with an increasing level
of access to functionality:
Read-only A read-only user has the lowest level of access and can view data but
cannot make any changes. A read-only user can change his or her
password only.
Regular A regular user has all of the privileges of a read-only user, as well as the
ability to acknowledge and clear alarms. A regular user can also control
the GC through MON2020’s Control menus. A regular user can change
his or her password only and cannot create or delete other users.
Super User A super user has all of the privileges of a regular user, as well as the
ability to manage and control the GC through MON2020’s Application
and Hardware menus. A super user can change his or her password only
and cannot create or delete other users.