
DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 9 MLD Snooping Configuration
To configure the MLD profile, run the following command:
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# ipv6 mld
profile profile-number
Enter the MLD Profile mode and assign
for identification a number from 1 to
1024. By default, no profile is configured.
DES-7200 (config-profile)# permit
| deny
(Optional) Permit or deny the range of
the multicast address, deny by default. It
indicates that the range of multicast
address and other multicast address will
be permitted or denied. By default, all
groups are denied.
DES-7200(config-profile)# range
low-address high_address
Add the multicast address range, which
can be both a single IPv6 group
address(low IPv6 group address) and a
group address zone(high IPv6 group
address). Meanwhile, multiple ranges
may be configured.
DES-7200(config)# end Return to the privilege mode.
Use the no ipv6 mld profile profile_number command to delete an MLD profile.
Use the no range low-address high_address command to delete the profile
The following example shows how to configure the profile:
DES-7200(config)# ipv6 mld profile 1
DES-7200(config-profile)# permit
DES-7200(config-profile)# range ff77::1 ff77::100
DES-7200(config-profile)# range ff88::123
DES-7200(config-profile)# end
DES-7200# show ipv6 mld profile 1
MLD Profile 1
range ff77::1 ff77::100
range ff88::123
According to this configuration, the rule for this MLD profile is to permit the
multicast addresses from ff77::1 to ff77::100 as well as ff88::123, while other
multicast addresses are all denied.
9.2.13 Configuring the Multicast Address Range for SVGL Mode
A profile shall be associated with the SVGL with the MLD Snooping working
mode(SVGL mode or IVGL-SVGL mode) configured, to specify which ranges of
group addresses may use SVGL mode, i.e., the listener ports of the multicast
forwarding-table may transmit across VLAN. However, the listener ports of the
multicast forwarding-tables within other multicast address ranges must belong to
the same VLAN.
By default, no profile associated is considered that no multicast
group can apply the SVGL mode.
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# ipv6 mld profile
Enter the MLD Profile mode and assign
for identification a number from 1 to
1024. By default, no profile is
DES-7200(config)# ipv6 mld
snooping ivgl-svgl
Configure the IVGL-SVGL mode