
DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 12 NFPP Configuration
define-policy {per-src-ip |
per-src-mac | per-port} rate-limit-pps
Configure host-based or port-based
rate-limiting threshold and attack threshold.
per-src-ip means to take statistics of data rate
as per source IP/VID/port; per-src-mac means
to take statistics of data rate as per source
MAC/VID/port. per-port means to take
statistics of data rate as per each
packet-receiving physical port. You must
configure any of per-src-ip, per-src-mac and
per-port, or else the policy won’t take effect.
per-src-ip will only take effect when etype is
ipv4 or ipv6.
Rate-limit-pps means the rate-limiting
threshold (1-9999). By default, no rate limiting
will be implemented. Packets exceeding the
rate-limiting threshold will be discarded.
Attack-threshold-pps means the attack
threshold (1-9999).
By default, no rate limiting will be implemented.
The attack threshold must be greater than or
equal to the rate-limiting threshold.
DES-7200#show nfpp define
summary name
Verify configurations.
DES-7200#copy running-config
Save configurations.
To delete the defined guard type, execute "no nfpp define name" in NFPP configuration mode.
Deleting defined guard type will delete all related configurations, including global and interface
based configurations and all isolated hosts.