DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 4 OSPF
Command Function
DES-7200(config-if)# ip ospf
dead-interval minimal
hello-multiplier multiplier
(Optional) Enable OSPF Fast Hello.
DES-7200 (config-if)# end
Return to privileged mode.
DES-7200 # show ip ospf
[process-id]interface [interface-id]
Display OSPF interface information.
DES-7200 # write
Save configurations.
Configure Fast Hello feature on the virtual link:
Command Function
DES-7200# configure terminal
Enter global configuration mode.
DES-7200 (config)# ip routing
Enable routing (if it is disabled)
DES-7200 (config)# router ospf
process_id [vrf vrf-name]
Enable OSPF and enter OSPF configuration
DES-7200 (config-router)# area
area-id virtual-link router-id
[dead-interval | minimal
hello-multiplier multiplier]
Configure Fast Hello feature on the virtual link
DES-7200 (config-router)# end
Return to privileged mode.
DES-7200 # write
Save configurations.
While configuring Fast Hello, "dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier"
parameter and "hello-interval" parameter must not be configured at the same
time. Configuring the OSPF Two-way
In a large-sized network, substantive packets may be received and transmitted,
thus occupying excessive CPU and memory resources and causing the delay or
drop of certain packets. If the processing time of Hello packets exceeds the dead
interval, the corresponding neighbor will be disconnected. After enabling the
feature of two-way maintenance, besides hello packets, DD, LSU, LSR and
LSAck packets from a specific neighbor can also be used to maintain the two-way
adjacency of this neighbor if there are substantive packets on the network, thus
avoiding the loss of neighbors caused by the delay or drop of hello packets.