DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 7 CPU Protection Configuration
ND Snooping router request packet 128 4
ND Snooping router advertisement and
redirection packet
128 4
IPv6 Packet with Hop Limit=1 800 1
MPLS Packet with TTL=0 128 1
MPLS Packet with TTL=1 128 1
7.2.2 Configuring the Bandwidth
for Each Type of Packet
In the configuration mode, configure the bandwidth of each type of packet by performing the
following steps:
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# cpu-protect type
{arp | bpdu | dhcp | ipv6mc | igmp | rip |
ospf | vrrp | pim | err-ttl | unknown-ipmc
| dvmrp | …} pps pps_vaule
Set the bandwidth for the packets in PPS,
which is an integer.
DES-7200# end
Return to the privileged mode.
This example shows the bandwidth configuration process:
DES-7200(config)#cpu-protect type bpdu pps 200
Set packet type bpdu pps 100.
7.2.3 Configuring the Priority
Queue for Each Type of
In the configuration mode, configure the priority queue of each type of packet by performing
the following steps:
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# cpu-protect type
{arp | bpdu | dhcp | ipv6mc | igmp | rip
| ospf | vrrp | pim | err-ttl |
unknown-ipmc | …} pri pri_vaule
Set the priority queue for the packets,
pri_value is an integer.
DES-7200# end
Return to the privileged mode.
This example shows the priority queue configuration process:
DES-7200(config)# cpu-protect type bpdu pri 7
Set packet type bpdu priority 7.