DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 11 GVRP Configuration
11.2.8 Configure GVRP
GVRP uses three timers:
1. Join Timer
Join timer controls the maximum latency before the port sends declaration, and the actual
sending interval will range between 0 and this maximum latency. The default value is
2. Leave Timer
Leave Timer controls the time required to delete port from VLAN after receiving the Leave
Message. If the port receives Join Message again during this period, then the port will
maintain VLAN membership, and the timer become void. If the port doesn't receive Join
Message before the timer runs out, then the port will be deleted from the VLAN
membership table. The default value is 600ms.
3. LeaveAll Timer
LeaveAll Timer controls the minimum interval to send LeaveAll Message on the port. If the
port receives LeaveAll Message before the timer runs out, then the timer will start timing
again; if the timer runs out, it will send LeaveAll Message on the port and to the port as
well, thus triggering the Leave Timer. The default value is 10,000ms. The actual sending
interval ranges between Leaveall and Leaveall+Join.
When configuring the timer, make sure Leave Value is greater than or
equal to three times the Join Value (Leave >= Join *3). Meanwhile,
Leaveall must be greater than Leave (Leaveall > Leave). If the
aforementioned conditions cannot be met, the timer configuration may
fail. For example, after setting Leave Timer to 600ms, the system may
prompt an error if you configure Join Timer to 320ms. To achieve
successful configuration, when Join Timer is set to 350ms, the Leave
Timer must be greater than 1050ms.
The effective size for timer configuration is 10ms.
Make sure all interconnected GVRP devices use the same GVRP Timer configurations, or
else the GVRP may not function well.
Adjust the value of GVRP Timer:
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# [no] gvrp timer {join |
leave | leaveall} timer-value
Set the timer value of port
Example of setting GVRP Join Timer:
DES-7200# configure
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.