
DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 5 OSPF
Command Function
[instance-id instance-id]
OSPFv3 routing process.
ipv6 ospf network {broadcast |
non-broadcast | point-to-point |
point-to-multipoint [non-broadcast]}
[instance instance-id]
Set the network type of an interface.
The default is the broadcast network type.
ipv6 ospf neighbor ipv6-address
{[cost <1-65535>] | [poll-interval
<0-2147483647> | priority <0-255>]}
[instance instance-id]
(Optional) Set the OSPFv3 neighbor.
ipv6 ospf cost cost [instance
(Optional) Define the cost of an interface.
ipv6 ospf hello-interval seconds
[instance instance-id]
(Optional) Set the time interval to send the
Hello message on an interface.
For all nodes in the whole network, the value
must be same.
ipv6 ospf dead-interval seconds
[instance instance-id]
(Optional) Set the adjacency dead-interval
on an interface.
For all nodes in the whole network, the value
must be same.
ipv6 ospf transmit-delay seconds
[instance instance-id]
(Optional) Set the interval of transmitting link
ipv6 ospf retransmit-interval seconds
[instance instance-id]
(Optional) Set the LSA transmit delay on an
ipv6 ospf priority number [instance
(Optional) Set the priority of an interface. The
priority is used to select Designated Routers
(DR) and Backup Designated Routers
To remove the configuration, use the no form of the above commands.
You can modify the parameter setting of an interface based on actual needs.
However, be sure that the settings of some parameters must be identical to
those of neighbors. Otherwise, it will be impossible to establish the adjacency
relationship. These parameters include the following: instance, hello-interval
and dead-interval.
5.2.3 Configuring OSPFv3 Area Parameter
The OSPF protocol applies the concept of “hierarchical structure”, allowing a
network to be divided into a group of parts connected through a “backbone” in