DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 11 FTP Server Configuration
DES-7200(config)# ftp-server topdir
Configures the top directory of the
FTP Server.
DES-7200(config)# no ftp-server topdir
Removes the top directory
configuration and prohibits the FTP
client to access any files on the FTP
Assume that log files are stored under the “/syslog” directory. To download log files
from a device through the FTP client on the management PC while prohibiting the
FTP client from accessing the files other than the “/syslog” directory, configure the
top directory as below:
DES-7200(config)# ftp-server topdir /syslog
After configuration, the FTP client can only access the files and sub directories
under the “/syslog” directory. Given the limit of the top directory, the FTP client
cannot back to the parent directory of the “/syslog” directory.
11.2.3 Configure Session
Idle Time Out
The FTP Server does not support parallel connections. When a user logs in to the
FTP Server, the FTP Server may maintain this connection in case of abnormal
abortion. Consequently, the FTP Server occupies this connection for a long period of
time and cannot respond the login requests of other users.
Session idle timeout can be used to solve this problem. When the FTP Server does
not interact with one user within a specific period of time, the FTP Server considers
that the connection is not available and automatically disconnects the connection.
The session idle timeout is 30 minutes by default.
To configure session idle timeout, run the ftp-server timeout command in the global
configuration mode.
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# ftp-server timeout
Sets the session idle timeout.
time: idle timeout in the range of
1-3600 minutes
DES-7200(config)# no ftp-server
Restores the idle timeout to the default
value (30 minutes)
The following example sets the session idle timeout to 5 minutes:
DES-7200(config)# ftp-server timeout 5