DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 2 MAC Address Configuration
Problem: In the stack environment, if one switch learns the
MAC address when receiving the IP packets not correspond to
the address binding, this MAC address can only be learned by
the chip of that switch and cannot be learned by the chips of
other switches in the stack environment.
Phenomenon: In the stack environment, if one switch learns the
MAC address when receiving the IP packets not correspond to
the address binding, this address entry is displayed using the
show mac command and the IP packets can still be
broadcasted to other stack switches. The MAC address learning
is normal when receiving the non-IP packets or the IP packets
correspond to the address binding.
Workaround: N/A.
After executing the address-bind install command but the
IP+MAC binding is not configured, then allow all packets to be
transmitted on the interface.
For DES-7200 series, when the global IP+MAC binding, port
security and DOT1X are co-used and no matter whether the
security channel is enabled or not, all secure users can
communicate with each other.
2.10.2 Setting the
Binding Mode
In the global mode, to configure the address binding mode, execute the
following commands.
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# address-bind
ipv6-mode { compatible| loose |
strict }
Configure the address binding
DES-7200(config)# no adress-bind
Restore to the default address
binding mode.
The following example shows how to set the address binding mode to strict:
DES-7200#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
DES-7200(config)#address-bind ipv6-mode strict