DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 10 Redundancy Configuration for Management
configuration, which ensures that the network runs well. Generally, the slave
management module does not join in the switch management but monitors the status
of master one. These events below will trigger the management module switchover:
1) System suspend or reset due to hardware fault of the master management
2) No heartbeat between two management modules
3) Manual switchover
When booting dual management modules at the same time or
hot-plugging another when one board is enabled, they will do some
batch synchronization configuration before they are in
Active/Standby Hot status. At this time, if disturbance sources are
configured, the slave management module will reboot and both are
in Active/Boot Hot status. If all disturbance sources are cleared in
Active/Boot Hot status, the slave one will reboot too and both are in
Active/Standby Hot status. If new disturbance sources are
configured in Active/Boot Hot status, this brings no influence and
both are still in Active/Boot Hot status.
Now, the disturbance sources include the following entities:
GVRP: GARP VLAN Registration Protocol, an application of
the relationship between dynamic configuration and extended
VLAN member .
PVLAN: Private VLAN.
MCAST: Multicast.
DOT1X: 802.1x, which is used to control the authentication of
user network access and provide authorization and accounting
PTLVLAN: Protocol VLAN, VLAN classification technology
based on package protocol type. It can divide the null VLAN ID
of a protocol typet to a same VLAN.
Postscript: the dual managemetn panels are in Boot Cold/Boot
Cold status if the system detects the in consistency of the software
version of the dual ones when starting up. In other words, they can
detect the other side respectively, but they are not in
Active/Standby Hot status untill the automatic upgrade is finished
and the slave one is reset. Finally, the software version of the dual
the management modules is consistent.