Parameter Name Description Optional?
target the IP address or hostname of the EqualLogic
array that hosts the SR
username the login username used to manage the LUNs on
the array
password the login password used to manage the LUNs on
the array
storagepool the storage pool name no
chapuser the username to be used for CHAP authentication yes
chappassword the password to be used for CHAP authentication yes
allocation specifies whether to use thick or thin provisioning.
Default is thick. Thin provisioning reserves a
minimum of 10% of volume space.
snap-reserve-percentage sets the amount of space, as percentage of
volume reserve, to allocate to snapshots. Default
is 100%.
snap-depletion sets the action to take when snapshot reserve
space is exceeded. volume-offline sets
the volume and all its snapshots offline. This is
the default action. The delete-oldest action
deletes the oldest snapshot until enough space is
available for creating the new snapshot.
control Certain customer configurations may require
separate IP addresses for the control and iSCSI
target interfaces; use this option to specify a
different control IP address from the device-config
target address.
Use the sr-create command to create an EqualLogic SR. For example:
xe sr-create host-uuid=<valid_uuid> content-type=user \
name-label=<"Example shared Equallogic SR"> \
shared=true device-config:target=<target_ip> \
device-config:username=<admin_username> \
device-config:password=<admin_password> \
device-config:storagepool=<my_storagepool> \
device-config:chapuser=<chapusername> \
device-config:chappassword=<chapuserpassword> \
device-config:allocation=<thick> \
EqualLogic VDI Snapshot space allocation with XenServer EqualLogic Adapter
When you create a SR using the EqualLogic plug-in, you specify a storage pool in which the SR is created.
This assumes that the free space in the storage pool will be used for creating the VDIs, and for snapshot and
clones when requested. If the storage pool comprises of all the "member arrays" in the EqualLogic group