Parameter Name Description Type
missing true if SR scan operation reported this
CD as not present on disk
read only
other-config A list of key/value pairs that specify
additional configuration parameters for
the CD
read/write map parameter
location The path on which the device is mounted read only
managed true if the device is managed read only
xenstore-data Data to be inserted into the xenstore tree read only map parameter
sm-config names and descriptions of storage
manager device config keys
read only map parameter
is-a-snapshot True if this template is a CD snapshot read only
snapshot_of The UUID of the CD that this template is
a snapshot of
read only
snapshots The UUID(s) of any snapshots that have
been taken of this CD
read only
snapshot_time The timestamp of the snapshot operation read only
cd-list [params=<param1,param2,...>] [parameter=<parameter_value>...]
List the CDs and ISOs (CD image files) on the XenServer host or pool, filtering on the optional argument
If the optional argument params is used, the value of params is a string containing a list of parameters of
this object that you want to display. Alternatively, you can use the keyword all to show all parameters. If
params is not used, the returned list shows a default subset of all available parameters.
Optional arguments can be any number of the CD parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
Console commands
Commands for working with consoles.
The console objects can be listed with the standard object listing command (xe console-list), and the
parameters manipulated with the standard parameter commands. See the section called “Low-level param
commands” for details.
Console parameters
Consoles have the following parameters: