Finally, re-plug the PIF or reboot the host for the change to take effect.
Recovering from a bad network configuration
In some cases it is possible to render networking unusable by creating an incorrect configuration. This is
particularly true when attempting to make network configuration changes on a member XenServer host.
If a loss of networking occurs, the following notes may be useful in recovering and regaining network
• Citrix recommends that you ensure networking configuration is set up correctly before creating a resource
pool, as it is usually easier to recover from a bad configuration in a non-pooled state.
• The host-management-reconfigure and host-management-disable commands affect the XenServer
host on which they are run and so are not suitable for use on one host in a pool to change the configuration
of another. Run these commands directly on the console of the XenServer host to be affected, or use the
xe -s, -u, and -pw remote connection options.
• When the xapi service starts, it will apply configuration to the management interface first. The name of
the management interface is saved in the /etc/xensource-inventory file. In extreme cases, you
can stop the xapi service by running service xapi stop at the console, edit the inventory file to set the
management interface to a safe default, and then ensure that the ifcfg files in /etc/sysconfig/
network-scripts have correct configurations for a minimal network configuration (including one
interface and one bridge; for example, eth0 on the xenbr0 bridge).