• license_does_not_support_pooling
• pbd_plug_failed_on_server_start
• pool_master_transition
The following alerts appear on the performance graphs in XenCenter. See the XenCenter online help for
more information:
• vm_cloned
• vm_crashed
• vm_rebooted
• vm_resumed
• vm_shutdown
• vm_started
• vm_suspended
Customizing Alerts
The performance monitoring perfmon runs once every 5 minutes and requests updates from XenServer
which are averages over 1 minute, but these defaults can be changed in /etc/sysconfig/perfmon.
Every 5 minutes perfmon reads updates of performance variables exported by the XAPI instance running
on the same host. These variables are separated into one group relating to the host itself, and a group
for each VM running on that host. For each VM and also for the host, perfmon reads in the other-
config:perfmon parameter and uses this string to determine which variables it should monitor, and under
which circumstances to generate a message.
vm:other-config:perfmon and host:other-config:perfmon values consist of an XML string like
the one below:
<name value="cpu_usage"/>
<alarm_trigger_level value="LEVEL"/>
<name value="network_usage"/>
<alarm_trigger_level value="LEVEL"/>
Valid VM Elements
what to call the variable (no default). If the name value is one of cpu_usage, network_usage, or
disk_usage the rrd_regex and alarm_trigger_sense parameters are not required as defaults
for these values will be used.
the priority of the messages generated (default 5)
level of value that triggers an alarm (no default)