Create a new VBD on a VM.
Appropriate values for the device field are listed in the parameter allowed-VBD-devices on the
specified VM. Before any VBDs exist there, the allowable values are integers from 0-15.
If the type is Disk, vdi-uuid is required. Mode can be RO or RW for a Disk.
If the type is CD, vdi-uuid is optional; if no VDI is specified, an empty VBD will be created for the CD.
Mode must be RO for a CD.
vbd-destroy uuid=<uuid_of_vbd>
Destroy the specified VBD.
If the VBD has its other-config:owner parameter set to true, the associated VDI will also be destroyed.
vbd-eject uuid=<uuid_of_vbd>
Remove the media from the drive represented by a VBD. This command only works if the media is of a
removable type (a physical CD or an ISO); otherwise an error message VBD_NOT_REMOVABLE_MEDIA is
vbd-insert uuid=<uuid_of_vbd> vdi-uuid=<uuid_of_vdi_containing_media>
Insert new media into the drive represented by a VBD. This command only works if the media is of a
removable type (a physical CD or an ISO); otherwise an error message VBD_NOT_REMOVABLE_MEDIA is
vbd-plug uuid=<uuid_of_vbd>
Attempt to attach the VBD while the VM is in the running state.
vbd-unplug uuid=<uuid_of_vbd>
Attempts to detach the VBD from the VM while it is in the running state.
VDI commands
Commands for working with VDIs (Virtual Disk Images).
A VDI is a software object that represents the contents of the virtual disk seen by a VM, as opposed to the
VBD, which is a connector object that ties a VM to the VDI. The VDI has the information on the physical
attributes of the virtual disk (which type of SR, whether the disk is shareable, whether the media is read/
write or read only, and so on), while the VBD has the attributes which tie the VDI to the VM (is it bootable,
its read/write metrics, and so on).
The VDI objects can be listed with the standard object listing command (xe vdi-list), and the parameters
manipulated with the standard parameter commands. See the section called “Low-level param commands”
for details.