Parameter Name Description Required?
Device device name on the local host to
use for the SR
To create a local ext SR on /dev/sdb use the following command:
xe sr-create host-uuid=<valid_uuid> content-type=user \
name-label=<"Example Local EXT3 SR"> shared=false \
device-config:device=/dev/sdb type=ext
The udev type represents devices plugged in using the udev device manager as VDIs.
XenServer has two SRs of type udev that represent removable storage. One is for the CD or DVD disk in
the physical CD or DVD-ROM drive of the XenServer host. The other is for a USB device plugged into a
USB port of the XenServer host. VDIs that represent the media come and go as disks or USB sticks are
inserted and removed.
The ISO type handles CD images stored as files in ISO format. This SR type is useful for creating shared
ISO libraries. For storage repositories that store a library of ISOs, the content-type parameter must be
set to iso.
For example:
xe sr-create host-uuid=<valid_uuid> content-type=iso \
type=iso name-label=<"Example ISO SR"> location=<nfs server:path>>
The EqualLogic SR type maps LUNs to VDIs on an EqualLogic array group, allowing for the use of fast
snapshot and clone features on the array.
If you have access to an EqualLogic filer, you can configure a custom EqualLogic storage repository for
VM storage on you XenServer deployment. This allows the use of the advanced features of this filer type.
Virtual disks are stored on the filer using one LUN per virtual disk. Using this storage type will enable the
thin provisioning, snapshot, and fast clone features of this filer.
Consider your storage requirements when deciding whether to use the specialized SR plugin, or to use the
generic LVM/iSCSI storage backend. By using the specialized plugin, XenServer will communicate with the
filer to provision storage. Some arrays have a limitation of seven concurrent connections, which may limit
the throughput of control operations. Using the plugin will allow you to make use of the advanced array
features, however, so will make backup and snapshot operations easier.
There are two types of administration accounts that can successfully access the EqualLogic SM plugin:
• A group administration account which has access to and can manage the entire group and all storage pools.
• A pool administrator account that can manage only the objects (SR and VDI snapshots) that are in the
pool or pools assigned to the account.
Creating a shared EqualLogic SR
Device-config parameters for EqualLogic SRs: