Parameter Name Description Type
uuid The unique identifier/object reference for
the console
read only
vm-uuid The unique identifier/object reference of
the VM this console is open on
read only
vm-name-label The name of the VM this console is open
read only
protocol Protocol this console uses. Possible
values are vt100: VT100 terminal, rfb:
Remote FrameBuffer protocol (as used in
VNC), or rdp: Remote Desktop Protocol
read only
location URI for the console service read only
other-config A list of key/value pairs that specify
additional configuration parameters for
the console.
read/write map parameter
Event commands
Commands for working with events.
Event classes
Event classes are listed in the following table:
Class name Description
pool A pool of physical hosts
vm A Virtual Machine
host A physical host
network A virtual network
vif A virtual network interface
pif A physical network interface (separate VLANs are represented as several PIFs)
sr A storage repository
vdi A virtual disk image
vbd A virtual block device
pbd The physical block devices through which hosts access SRs
event-wait class=<class_name> [<param-name>=<param_value>] [<param-name>=/=<param_value>]