uuid ( RO): bb6dd239-1fa9-a06b-a497-3be28b8dca44
subject-identifier ( RO): S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2244
other-config (MRO): subject-name: example01\user_vm_admin; subject-upn: \
user_vm_admin@XENDT.NET; subject-uid: 1823475908; subject-gid: 1823474177; \
subject-sid: S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2244; subject-gecos: \
user_vm_admin; subject-displayname: user_vm_admin; subject-is-group: false; \
subject-account-disabled: false; subject-account-expired: false; \
subject-account-locked: false;subject-password-expired: false
roles (SRO): vm-admin
uuid ( RO): 4fe89a50-6a1a-d9dd-afb9-b554cd00c01a
subject-identifier ( RO): S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2245
other-config (MRO): subject-name: example02\user_vm_op; subject-upn: \
user_vm_op@XENDT.NET; subject-uid: 1823475909; subject-gid: 1823474177; \
subject-sid: S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2245; \
subject-gecos: user_vm_op; subject-displayname: user_vm_op; \
subject-is-group: false; subject-account-disabled: false; \
subject-account-expired: false; subject-account-locked: \
false; subject-password-expired: false
roles (SRO): vm-operator
uuid ( RO): 8a63fbf0-9ef4-4fef-b4a5-b42984c27267
subject-identifier ( RO): S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2242
other-config (MRO): subject-name: example03\user_pool_op; \
subject-upn: user_pool_op@XENDT.NET; subject-uid: 1823475906; \
subject-gid: 1823474177; subject-s id:
S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2242; \
subject-gecos: user_pool_op; subject-displayname: user_pool_op; \
subject-is-group: false; subject-account-disabled: false; \
subject-account-expired: false; subject-account-locked: \
false; subject-password-expired: false
roles (SRO): pool-operator
To add a subject to RBAC
In order to enable existing AD users to use RBAC, you will need to create a subject instance within
XenServer, either for the AD user directly, or for one of their containing groups:
1. Run the command xe subject-add subject-name=<AD user/group>
This adds a new subject instance.
To assign an RBAC role to a created subject
Once you have added a subject, you can assign it to an RBAC role. You can refer to the role by either its
uuid or name:
1. Run the command:
xe subject-role-add uuid=<subject uuid> role-uuid=<role_uuid>
xe subject-role-add uuid=<subject uuid> role-name=<role_name>
For example, the following command adds a subject with the uuid b9b3d03b-3d10-79d3-8ed7-
a782c5ea13b4 to the Pool Administrator role:
xe subject-role-add uuid=b9b3d03b-3d10-79d3-8ed7-a782c5ea13b4 role-name=pool-admin