Parameter Name Description Type
MTU Maximum Transmission
Unit of the VIF in bytes. This
parameter is read-only, but
you can override the MTU
setting with the mtu key
using the other-config map
parameter. For example, to
reset the MTU on a virtual
NIC to use jumbo frames:
xe vif-param-set \
uuid=<vif_uuid> \
read only
currently-attached true if the device is currently
read only
qos_algorithm_type QoS algorithm to use read/write
qos_algorithm_params parameters for the chosen
QoS algorithm
read/write map parameter
qos_supported_algorithms supported QoS algorithms for
this VIF
read only set parameter
MAC-autogenerated True if the MAC address of
the VIF was automatically
read only
other-config Additional configuration
key:value pairs
read/write map parameter
other-config:ethtool-rx set to on to enable receive
checksum, off to disable
read write
other-config:ethtool-tx set to on to enable transmit
checksum, off to disable
read write
other-config:ethtool-sg set to on to enable scatter
gather, off to disable
read write
other-config:ethtool-tso set to on to enable tcp
segmentation offload, off to
read write
other-config:ethtool-ufo set to on to enable udp
fragment offload, off to
read write
other-config:ethtool-gso set to on to enable generic
segmentation offload, off to
read write