Parameter Name Description Type
blocked-operations lists the operations that
cannot be performed on this
read/write map parameter
last-boot-record record of the last boot
parameters for this template,
in XML format
read only
ha-always-run True if an instance of this
template will always restarted
on another host in case of the
failure of the host it is resident
ha-restart-priority 1, 2, 3 or best effort. 1 is the
highest restart priority
blobs binary data store read only
live only relevant to a running VM. read only
template-export template-uuid=<uuid_of_existing_template> filename=<filename_for_new_template>
Exports a copy of a specified template to a file with the specified new filename.
Update commands
Commands for working with updates to the OEM edition of XenServer. For commands relating to updating
the standard non-OEM editions of XenServer, see the section called “Patch (update) commands” for details.
update-upload file-name=<name_of_upload_file>
Streams a new software image to a OEM edition XenServer host. You must then restart the host for this
to take effect.
User commands
user-password-change old=<old_password> new=<new_password>
Changes the password of the logged-in user. The old password field is not checked because you require
supervisor privilege to make this call.