This machine meets voluntary safety standard B71.8
- 1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power
Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the
American National Standards Institute.
Safety AlertSymbol
This isa safety alert symbol. It is usedin this
manualand onthe unitto alertyou to potential
hazards. When you seethis symbol, readand
obeythe messagethat follows it. Failureto
obeysafety messagescould result in personal
injuryor property damage.
The engine exhaust from this product contains
chemicalsknowntothe Stateof Californiato cause
1. Carefullyread this
Owner's Manual, the sepa-
Manual,and any other literature you may
receive.Bethoroughly familiar with the
controls and the proper useof thetiller
and itsengine.Know how to stop the unit
and disengagethe controls quickly.
2. Neverallow children to operatethe
tiller. Neverallow adults to operatethe
tiller without proper instruction.
3. Keepthe areaof operationclear of all
persons,particularly children and pets.
4. Keepin mind that the operator or user
is responsiblefor accidents or hazards
occurring to other people,their property
and themselves.
1. Thoroughly inspectthe areawherethe
tiller is to be usedand removeall foreign
2. Be sureall controls are releasedand
the WheelGearLeveris in ENGAGE
beforestarting the engine.
3. Do not operatethetiller without
wearing adequateouter garments. Avoid
loosegarments or jewelry that could get
caught in moving parts.
4. Donotoperatethetiller whenbarefoot
or wearingsandals,sneakers,or light
improvefooting onslipperysurfaces.
5. Donottill nearundergroundelectric
cables,telephonelines,pipesor hoses.If in
doubt, contactyourtelephoneor utility
6. Warning: Handlefuelwith care;it is
highlyflammableand its vaporsareexplo-
sive. Takethefollowing precautions:
a. Storefuel in containersspecifically
designedfor this purpose.
b. Thegas capshall neverbe removed
or fuel addedwhile the engine is
running. Allow the engineto cool
for severalminutes beforeadding
c. Keepmatches,cigarettes,cigars,
pipes, openflames, and sparks
awayfrom the fuel tank and fuel
d. Fillfuel tank outdoors with extreme
care. Neverfill fuel tank indoors.
Usea funnel or spout to prevent
e. Replaceall fuel tank and container
caps securely.
f. If fuel is spilled, do notattempt to
start the engine, but movethe
machine awayfrom the area of
spillageand avoid creating any
source of ignition until fuel vapors
7. Never makeadjustmentswhen engine
is running (unless recommendedby
1. Do not put handsor feetnear or under
rotating parts.
2. Exerciseextremecaution when on or
crossing graveldrives, walks, or roads.
Stayalert for hidden hazardsor traffic. Do
not carry passengers.
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine(and removethe ignition key on
electricstart models), disconnect the
spark plug wire and preventit from
touching the spark plug, carefully inspect
the tiller for anydamage,and repair the
damagebefore restarting and operating
the tiller.
4. Exercisecaution to avoid slipping or
5. If theunit shouldstart to vibrateabnor-
mally,stop theengine(andremovethe
ignition key onelectricstart models).Dis-
connectthespark plugwire andpreventit
from touchingthespark plug,and check
immediatelyfor thecause.Vibration is
generallya warning of trouble.
6. Stopthe engine (and remove the igni-
tion keyon electric start models), discon-
nect thespark plug wire and prevent it
from touching the spark plug whenever
you leavethe operating position, before
unclogging thetines, or when makingany
repairs, adjustments or inspections.