English – 13
Folding Stops (C)
There are a number of folding stops for the log on
the left-hand side of the rails. To increase usabil-
ity, the stops come in two different lengths.
Log Locks (D)
The log locks consist of a cam with handle,
housed in a moveable unit. The locks are used to
secure the log against the folding stops.
Log Bolsters (A)
The rails have a number of transverse log bol-
sters that provide a stable support for the log to
be cut or the planks to be trimmed.
Height Adjustment (B)
The height adjustment is designed to raise the
small end of the log, so that the core becomes
The rails consist of two sections (standard
delivery). Each section is 3 m. The sections are
aligned and bolted together into a track for the
carriage. The rail sections are bolted together
and fastened using M12 bolts with nuts, which
assures stability and ensures that the carriage
runs straight.
The rails also have a number of transverse log
bolsters, designed to provide a stable support for
the log to be cut or the planks to be trimmed.
The rails’ transverse log bolsters are equipped
• Folding stop for the log
• Log lock
• Height adjustment of one end of the log
The rails are also fitted with stops at both ends
for the saw carriage, as well as adjustable
jointing plates on the section joints.
FIG. 9
FIG. 10