Agilent Technologies E4350B Landscape Lighting User Manual

Service Addendum22
Initialization and Factory Preset Replacement Program Listing – (sheet 3)
1010 !
1020 FOR I=1 TO 49
1030 OUTPUT @Ps;"DIAG:EEPR ";Addr(I);",";Length(I);",";Init_data(I)
1040 NEXT I
1050 !
1070 OUTPUT @Ps;"CAL:STATE OFF" ! Turn off cal mode
1080 !
1090 GOSUB Ps_error ! Check for errors
1100 IF Err THEN
1110 PRINT "An error occurred during the EEPROM read/write, Check for"
1120 PRINT "programming errors. Initialization data may be incorrect."
1130 STOP
1140 END IF
1150 !
1160 PRINT "Operation complete. Program stopped."
1170 STOP
1180 !
1190 Ps_error: ! Error handling subroutine
1200 OUTPUT @Ps;"SYST:ERR?" ! Check for errors
1210 ENTER @Ps;Err
1230 !
1240 END
Figure 3-17. Initialization and Factory Preset Replacement Program Listing (Sheet 3 of 3)