Pull the ECU fuse [A] straight out of the fuse box with
needle n ose pliers.
Fuse Installation
If a fuse fails during operation, inspect the electrical sys-
tem to determine the cause, and then replace it with a
new fuse of proper amperage.
Install the junction box fuses on the original position as
specified on the lid.
Fuse Inspection
Remove the fuse (see Fuse Removal).
Inspect the fuse element.
If it is blown out, replace the fuse. Before replacing a
blown fuse, always check the amperage in the affected
circuit. If the amperage is equal to or greater than the
fuse rating, check the wiring and related components for
a s hort circuit.
Housing [A]
Fuse Element [B]
Terminals [C]
Blown Element [D]
If a mass current flows to the battery which needs re-
freshing charge when the engine is turned, the main
fuse may be blown out.
When replacing a fuse, be sure the new fuse
matches the specified fuse rating for that circuit.
Installation of a fuse with a higher rating may cause
damage to wiring and components.