Front F ork
Front Fork Disassembly
Remove the front fork (see Front Fork Removal).
Drain the fork oil (see Front Fork Oil Change).
Hold the front fork in a vise [A].
Stop the cylinder [B] from turning by using the fork cylinder
holder [C].
Special Tool - Fork Cylinder Holder: 57001-1287
Unscrew the Allen bolt [D], then take the bolt and gasket
out of the bottom of the inner tube.
Take the cylinder unit [A].
Do not disassemble the cylinder unit.
Separate the outer tube from the inner tube.
Pull out the dust seal.
Remove the retaining ring [A] from the outer tube.
Remove the oil seal [B] and washer [C].
Front Fork Assembly
Replace the following parts with a new one.
Oil Seal
Bottom Allen Bolt Gasket
Insert the cylinder unit [A] into the inner tube [B].
Stop the cylinder from turning by using the fork cylinder
Special Tool - Fork Cylinder Holder: 57001-1287
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the Allen bolt and
tighten it.
Torque - Front Fork Bottom Allen B olts: 23 N·m (2.3 kgf·m,
17 ft·lb)